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Thread: Resurrectio Incipiam (Formerly: TLoZ: Heart of the Master Sword)

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    Lynel Majora's Avatar
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    Post Resurrectio Incipiam (Formerly: TLoZ: Heart of the Master Sword)

    Or simply, Resurgence. The title screen still needs some more refining and polishing:

    This game is going to basically "copy" things from the Zelda franchise but dress it up differently, and/or name it differently. For instance, there isn't a "Link", but there is a sword-wielding protagonist dressed in green clothes. The protagonist is also a chick, who is going to basically be a medieval version of Samus Aran (minus the "wah I'm a little bitch" aspect that Other M vomited all over her with). Nothing else is set in stone other than that. There are goddesses. Four for now, maybe more will be revealed in later games.

    Hopefully this plot summary/description is not too convoluted:

    We start in the cliché forest village. Some kids went too far into the woods (where dangerous things lurk) and haven't come back. Our SamusAran-esque protagonist grabs an old sword and shield and goes after them, only to find a group of evil/monster-y soldiers (which the kids were about to get murdered by) and kicking their asses. Our heroine learns of something far more sinister slowly gripping the land by talking to the great fairy in the nearby shrine, and off she goes on her quest to do something about it.

    So in the first dungeon, after completing it and helping the Great Fairie's friend/sister (either works), she is given a worn-down old staff/book/crown/set of light armor (leaning towards staff maybe but all four of these mentioned items are plot-critical ish) and is told to hunt down the rest (and the gems that go with them) so that she may stand a chance at beating the Big Bad. And away she goes.

    During her travels, she comes across a relatively large town. Maybe not big enough to be called a city (because this is ZC after all), but it's still huge compared to the village from which she hails. On top of selling useful things (bought with gold pieces she's picked up from murdering all manner of foe), it is ruled by a pair of sisters. Levana (latin for "The Rising Sun") and Nox ("of the Night") who, unknown to them or the protagonist, are really two goddesses taking on (mostly) mortal forms, who's destinies are to assist the hero vanquish the Big Bad.

    In the town reside six other persons of importance. Mostly as a sidequest-ish sort of thing where they help you unlock an extra portion of previously visited (and a select few others overall) dungeons. Their names, from left to right (duh), are Tacita, Serica, Liboria, Amalia, Volante, and Sidra. Tacita is a potion lady (who sells you potions!), Serica is a seamstress with a slight affinity for magic (who can embroider/etc. your clothes for beneficial effects!), Liboria runs/owns the inn, Amalia runs the farm, Volante is a beggar, and Sidra is an orphan who was adopted by Levana, who has immense magical ability still locked away.

    So anyways, more dungeon-crawling later, the Big Bad knows shit's gonna go down so it tries to intervene from almost the beginning of the game, but about 3/4ths of the way to the end of the game, some MAJOR PLOT RELATED HAPPENINGS occur, and the sisters re-ascend into godhood while you take care of the Big Bad. I swear there's a good reason for this. <_>


    So there's a goddess, a true one who is omnipotent and all that. She is called Janus ("the beginning"), and she creates lesser god-like beings to go around creating worlds. She creates three: Valda (Power), Ismene (Knowledge), and Evaine (Life), but for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction! As far as just poofing things out of thin air, so to speak. Thus, three evil beings are also unintentionally created. In "ancient times" on the world this game takes place on, the good beings and the evil ones duke it out. two of the baddies are chased off but one is severely weakened/wounded and hides, slowly regaining her power and (somehow) slowly amassing an army of sorts. I should mention that the six beings wouldn't be "gods" in the sense of being TRULY omnipotent or anything, but having the capability to create or destroy worlds certainly merits "god" title. They don't just poof them out of thin air like Janus can do, they simply speed the processes along (planetary formation and all that jazz, without getting to technical/pedantic/nerdy) and in the case of life, provide the spark needed or etc. ANYWAYS, YEAH. Majora (one of the bad ones!) slowly regains its power. The two good goddesses were also wounded (maybe. but for now this will be the cases) and instead opted to be reincarnated later. Like Zelda in Skyward Sword, they initially have no memory, but regain it later on. They also have immense power but it is also locked away (until later).

    I will organize this better later on but I hope my description wasn't too convoluted.

    And now for a little layout. The sizes are not to scale but it's to give a GENERAL idea of the layout of things. The numbers on them denote dungeon level locations. Zones with

    Level 9 takes place within the protagonist's mind. Level 10 takes place in space. Somehow. I'll cross that bridge when I get to it. Nimvelum is in the sky. Analogous to Minish Cap's Cloud Tops area.

    Difficulty: Have a gander.

    The order of difficulty goes as follows: 1 < 3 < 4 < 2 < 5 < 6 < 8 < 9 < 7 < 10 < 11

    My intent is to have it be as un-linear as possible. My intent is not to hold the player's hand. Aimless wandering is key, here. Basically, I'm going to do what Zelda 1 did: toss your ass into the world without a damn clue as to where to go. Except I will add some introductory crap.

    That's it I guess! Questions and such are welcome, of course. And once again, everything is WIP and subject to change, but this is pretty much the general status of things.
    Last edited by Majora; 01-01-2013 at 05:34 PM.

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