Quote Originally Posted by SUCCESSOR View Post
I'm sorry but what sentence do you believe makes up for the death of a child? .
No sentence really makes up for a death of a child...
but I do believe in an Eye for an eye. he kill his kid. so I think he should face a bigger punishment instead of 90 days.

Quote Originally Posted by SUCCESSOR View Post
To clarify that would be manslaughter nor murder.
Opps Typo on my part :| Could someone edit the Title the topic to manslaughter?

Quote Originally Posted by SUCCESSOR View Post
what happened is an awful thing but incarceration is equally awful. It does not rehabilitate. It does not deter crime. A man that is testified as a great father kills his daughter in a moment of lost control needs therapy not years in prison.
I don't think therapy will help with anything. I really don't. I mean it might but there's always the chance that it don't and he just flips out again and commits manslaughter again?
He may have been a great father but that does not make him any different from other Child killer's I've seen. right now.
I just don't like anyone that could hurt a baby or a child.