Well I just got a somewhat new Laptop the other day. I was at a yard sale and I seen a nice Toshiba Laptop sitting in a garbage can...(Yes I looked at the garbage can >.<)
But anyways I asked the guy what was wrong with it. he said that he was tired of it and the hard drive died and he just bought a new one.
So I asked him. What would you want for it? he come back and said you can have it for five bucks. so I jumped all over that.

Well I got it home, and I was quite happy that the screen was not scratched at all everything seems in tact. except the hard drive. I didn't have any SATA hard drives to use though...
So what I did is go to a local resale place and bought a 120GB xbox360 hard drive and I tore it apart and swiped the SATA drive out of it. it only cost me $30 so its not much to spend on a HD.

After that I stuck it in the laptop and and Installed Windows 7 Home premium. Managed to get another product key

And now I have me a somewhat new lappy!

The specs are not much though.

Intel Celeron M 1.60 GHz

768 MBs I'm going to upgrade this next week I hope :)

ATI radeon Xpress 150 MBs

Realtek HD audio

120Gbs 5400RPM hitachi

Looks better then my old laptop. It can run windows 7 fantastic right now :)