Quote Originally Posted by CJC View Post
We didn't own the NES until after our SNES, so the first time I played the original Zelda (a used copy we bought for cheap), it wouldn't run. I cleaned the card with an isopropyl-soaked cotton swab, which allowed the system to read the cartridge, but... the battery was expired. So every time I played, it had to be from the beginning. Ironically, this was part of the web of events that led me to AGN.
Quote Originally Posted by ctrl-alt-delete View Post
Repurchasing The Legend of Zelda a few years after having it and several other NES games stolen. It is what led me to AGN. (The battery in the cart was dead, so no save file. Led me to google Zelda Clone.)
:) Alcohol on cotton swabs was the way to go. Never failed for me. Unfortunately, one time my older brother decided to be a fucking moron and clean the connectors inside the console with alcohol too. He didn't let it dry fast enough and it totally fried it. It never stopped smelling like...electricity.