As you may know, in the new default template, the new enemy tiles for the Magic Pols Vice and the L3 Goriya weren't modified properly. The L3 Goriya's tiles are on page 32 and the Magic Pols Voice's second row of tiles is on page 37. Oh and, the Phantom Ghini should probably have either the flickering flag or the transparency flag checked by default. Also, I honestly don't think the Moby is working out too well for the spin tile enemy sprite enemy's tiles. I also think that the Magic Pols Voice's default speed should be toned down to 50, because 100m is just too fast for it, since it has almost exactly the same stats as the Arrow Pols Voice.

And please go through this file to see all my modifications to the tileset:

I know the quest maker can do it themselves, but I really want my new enemy tile preferences integrated into the template section so that way all enemies can be told apart more easily, seeing as in the current default template, it's still impossible to tell certain enemies apart from one another due to them looking exactly the same even when they use their new enemy tiles. Plus, I even threw in some placeholders for 2 enemies mentioned in _L_'s future plans for the enemy editor: The Z3 Stalfos, and the Z3 Wizzrobe. As for the BS Aquamentus placeholder tiles, it's okay for all 3 phases to be colored the same in the tiles sheet, because in BS Zelda, the Aquamentus's palette changes when it enters phases 2 and 3.

And another thing, I don't think those outlands waterfalls tiles fit in too well with the LOZ water tiles. So, here's an image of some LOZ waterfall tiles with switched colors:

As for the Outlands Waterfalls, you could move those to Page 113 and make an entire secton of Outlands Water/Pit Tiles going from page 113 to page 116. besides, I think the switched color LOZ waterfalls would fit in really well with the other switched color LOZ water tiles.

PS: If I had any knowledge of the code, I would gladly integrate these modifications into the default template myself.