Fresh install, latest linux build, Ubuntu 9.10 (karmic). Start zelda-l from ZC Launcher with default options. There is no sound of any kind--music or sfx.

Examining allegro.log reveals the following:
Initializing sound driver... Sound driver not available. Sound disabled.

Apparently, allegro and pulseaudio don't get along very well.

Fortunately, a workaround is given. Unfortunately, however, ZC users will run into trouble at step 2a, which instructs them to edit the file /usr/lib/allegro/4.2.2/modules.lst, which a) probably doesn't exist on their system, and b) won't affect the custom version of allegro used by ZC in any case.

Now, what step 2a actually does isn't that complicated--it forces allegro to use the OSS sound driver--so even if that particular file won't work, there should be another way to accomplish the same thing. And indeed, according to the official allegro docs,
Quote Originally Posted by
Allegro reads information about your hardware from a file called allegro.cfg
Normally the setup program and allegro.cfg will go in the same directory as the Allegro program they are controlling.
So, hopefully, all I need to do is figure out the right line(s) to put in allegro.cfg, and I'll be back on track. Which brings me to my question:

What do I put in allegro.cfg to force allegro (and thus ZC) to use the OSS sound driver?