A look into my latest crazy idea made real...

ZCG is short for Zelda Classic Gauntlet. The game takes place in what appears to be a massive dungeon composed of many smaller dungeons, including the familiar shapes from the 1st and 2nd quests. But this is no ordinary quest.

The story breaks the fourth wall as Ganon, tired of constant defeat in all these ZC quests, pulls you, the player, into a hectic mess of dungeons. Why Ganon wants revenge on you is not said, but that doesn't matter anymore. You must traverse the mess of dungeons to find Ganon, defeat him, and then hope that action leads you back home.

Since the player is you, the sprites for your avatar can be decided on to your liking. This is why each screenshot has a different "Link" in it.

The quest is a blend of the gameplay physics I created back in ZCB, traditional ZC engine physics, and a few new twists.

First, you gain experience from most enemies. Level up to get skill points, which you can spend in a series of stats and skills, similar to Zelda 2 gameplay.

Second, all attacks cost magic, also called energy, but your life and magic slowly regain no matter what.

Third, enemies drop coins on occasion. Lets just say "Think Mario..."
EDIT: Well, it seems Mario wanted his coins back. So, force gems and fairies instead.

Attacks are used via my ZCB input system: "A" will perfrom different attacks if you're in the air or moving, instead of standing still. In this quest, you can choose what each attack is at any time. "L" is still jump, and "R"... will be discussed in detail later.

As for the graphics, they are mostly standard pure graphics with custom palettes that could be a Pure/DOR hybrid. The screens will look rather simple, as a slight reference to the simple design of the original NES quests, but later dungeons will have additional variety as well as scripted obsticles.

Perhaps the most notable feature already finished and displayed here is the script for the doors. All of these screens are interiors, which normally means standard NES-dungeon doors are impossible. The script actually simulates the door types, including enemy-based shutters and locked doors that open on both sides. Also, these scripts do support having a door that isn't centered.

For once, I'm posting about a quest without any playable demo, but don't fear. Once I script the functionality for several of the weapon types and add in the weapon data screens, I'll release the first demo. At current moment, the demo will allow full leveling (up to the planned maximum of level 99), fully functional skill point spending (and most of the results from the spending), and about 7 weapons scattered within 3 almost complete dungeons (they will lack only their scripted bosses, the rewards for beating the boss, and any of the fancier scripts such as those seen in my holidy gift scripts quest). I will post updates over time, and I will discuss why "R" is significant.