I'll warn ya ahead of time... it's a long article. I realize that yes I'm a military brat and yes I should respect the military (they do do a lot of good)... but this article has really soured my opinion of the military. Even more then it was because of how the military (both air force and civil service) has treated my dad thru the years.

Damnit our men and women bust their asses protecting our country and the military should help protect and take care of their families when they (the families) need it and also take care of their men and women when they need it also.

I've read so many articles in the last few years (since we've been in the recent wars) about those that come back with medical conditions... they just don't get the "proper" care they deserve.

It's like the military wants to do "all the blasting" but doesn't want to take care of the damage after "all the blasting" is done.