Quote Originally Posted by Aegix Drakan View Post
...! Wait a tick.

OBJECTION!!!(Damn that felt good!)

In episode 6 when the repaired deathstar is being attacked by the rebels, it's firing off shots left and right! IF IT CAN FIRE REPEATEDLY IN A SINGLE BATTLE, THEN IT WOULD HAVE TIME TO RECHARGE AND FIRE A SHOT AT THE MOON AFTER HITTING THE PLANET!

...Also, if the planet was mostly gaseous (and since the moon was not directly on the other side of the planet), then wouldn't the laser just go right THROUGH the planet?

And even assuming it hit the planet and blew it up, the fragments that would have blasted out of it would have caused some major damage to the moon.
good catch on the laser passing through, does make you wonder. If Yavin (the planet) it did indeed explode, it would have been an outrageously massive boom as one can only imagine.

As for the moon, I would assume it would have just started orbiting the nearest sun. It might get sucked into a planet's gravitational pull if one ever was close enough, but it would take years.