Put this in a new file called "advmath.zh" (so that if anyone else uses it in their scripts, it will have the same name)

//Code adapted from the snippet located here:
//The original code was placed in the public domain
//The translated code below is also public domain

//I had to truncate these constants, since ZScript uses fixed place floats.
const float sq2p1 = 2.4142;    // .414213562373095048802;
const float sq2m1 = 0.4142;    // .414213562373095048802;
const float p4    = 16.1536;   // .1536412982230228262;
const float p3    = 268.4255;  // .42548195503973794141;
const float p2    = 1153.0294; // .0293515404850115428136;
const float p1    = 1780.4063; // .40631643319697105464587;
const float p0    = 896.7860;  // .78597403663861959987488;
const float q4    = 58.9570;   // .95697050844462222791;
const float q3    = 536.2654;  // .265374031215315104235;
const float q2    = 1666.7838; // .7838148816337184521798;
const float q1    = 2079.3350; // .33497444540981287275926;
const float q0    = 896.7860;  // .78597403663861962481162;
const float PIO2  = 1.5708;    // .5707963267948966135;
const float PIO1  = 3.1416;
const float iRt2  = 0.7071;
const float PIO3  = 57.2958;
const float PIO4  = 0.0175;

// reduce
float mxatan(float arg) {
	float argsq = arg*arg;
	float value = (((p4*argsq + p3)*argsq + p2)*argsq + p1)*argsq + p0;
	value /= ((((argsq + q4)*argsq + q3)*argsq + q2)*argsq + q1)*argsq + q0;
	return value*arg;

// reduce
float msatan(float arg) {
	if(arg < sq2m1)
		return mxatan(arg);
	if(arg > sq2p1)
		return PIO2 - mxatan(1/arg);
		return PIO2/2 + mxatan((arg-1)/(arg+1));

// implementation of atan
float atan(float arg) {
	if(arg > 0)
		return msatan(arg);
	return -msatan(-arg);

// implementation of asin
float asin(float arg) {
	float temp;
	int sign;

	sign = 0;
	if(arg < 0) {
		arg = -arg;
	if(arg > 1)
		return 0.0; //should be NaN

	temp = Sqrt(1 - arg*arg);
	if(arg > iRt2)
			temp = PIO2 - atan(temp/arg);
			temp = atan(arg/temp);
	if(sign > 0)
			temp = -temp;
	return temp;

// implementation of acos
float acos(float arg) {
	if(arg > 1 || arg < -1)
		return 0.0; //should be NaN
	return PIO2 - asin(arg);

// convert radian angle to degrees
float rad2deg(float arg) {
	return arg * PIO3;

// convert degree angle to radians
float deg2rad(float arg) {
	return arg * PIO4;

float findAngle(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2) {
	float ret;
	float dx = x2 - x1;
	float dy = y2 - y1;
	ret = ArcTan(dy, dx);

	return PI / 2 - ret;
* Implements the ATan, ACos and ASin functions (until we get built in versions of the same)
* Does not rely on std.zh
* Easily importable into any script
* As a bonus, includes two functions to convert between degrees and radians!
* As a super special bonus, includes a function to find the angle from one point to another!

Function prototypes:

See this page for what they do: http://www.xgc.com/manuals/xgclib/x940.html

float asin(float x);
float acos(float x);
float atan(float x);
//atan2 is provided by the as yet undocumented function "ArcTan(y,x)"
float deg2rad(float deg);
float rad2deg(float rad);
float findAngle(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2);
EDIT: Hurrr. I meant to post this in Script Showcase...