Merry Christmas everyone!

I've sold my house in Idaho after a 2 year wait, and moved north of Atlanta and bought and closed on, as well as getting mostly moved in to a new house.
Moved 2 huge u-haulem' trucks full of shit 2200 miles.
bought a Harley and spent most of last month riding it around.
Spent most of this month making improvements to my house.
Got all the Christmas decorations up
Got DSL back up and going.......
So now the big question.....
Is this year going to see a stable release?
If I can get all of what I've gotten done in the last 6 months done, being the bum that I am, it seems that a stable release should be a cake walk for the team here.

And ShadowTiger.....
If Petoe stops aging how can he look forward to that future in the second half of your post you speak of, he'd be dead right?
He just wants a stable release before that day comes.