const int numQuests = 1;
bool questGotten[numQuests];
bool questCompleted[numQuests];
bool questRewarded[numQuests];
int  questGotStrings[numQuests] = {1};
int  questCompleteStrings[numQuests] = {2};
Quote Originally Posted by the compiler
Pass 1: Parsing
Pass 2: Preprocessing
line 2: syntax error, unexpected IDENTIFIER, expecting NUMBER, on token numQuests
tmp, line 1: Error P01 : Failure to parse imported file quest.z.
So, we can't use constants to declare arrays? That seems... annoying. Is this a bug, or just something that hasn't been thought of yet?

PS: I seem to recall at one point support for strings in ZScript. Am I insane? Now, I can't find any reference to this...

Edit for good measure:

Quote Originally Posted by jman, a long long time ago
* And finally, the additions of arrays to the scripting engine! Took a lot of work, but they're in. Now, each running script has the option via the global Declare() function to allocate for itself a block of memory. This block of memory is used as a scratch space for declaring and using arrays. One block is continually persistent as a 'global' memory and is used by default when an ffc or item script doesn't declare a piece of memory. Also included is a new section of memory in save files that allows you to store whatever miscellaneous data you like. ( jman2050, 2008-03-04 11:27:42 )
How does one use Declare()? Is this a function (it's not in zscript.txt)? Or, a construct of some sort (it's not on the wiki)? Or... what? I'm trying to make my arrays save, but it's not going very good right now.