Quote: You could tack that sheet to a wall, wrap it around a pillar or even take a translucent version and tape it to your windows. Unlike practically every other source of lighting, you wouldn't need a lamp or conventional fixture for these sheets, though you would need to plug them into an outlet.

The sheets owe their luminance to compounds known as organic light-emitting diodes, or OLEDs. While there are plenty of problems to be worked out with the technology, it's not the dream of a wild-eyed startup.


What a unique idea. The article says it wears out over time, "Exposure to atmospheric oxygen, which can seep through plastic, destroys them quickly.", seems to be it's biggest problematic feature to be worked around, fixed, etc.

I think the idea of having the lighting source built into the wall or even the ceiling is cool. Since your light source is in the walls around you you'd not have to take up space for a light on a coffee table or etc.