ffc script Menus{
	void run(int options){
		int y = 16;		
		this->Y = y;
			if(options == 2);
				while(this->Y < 32){
						this->Y += 16;}
				if(options == 3);
					while(this->Y < 48){
							this->Y += 16;}
Ok, you see where it says: if(options == X); ?
I want that to be if D0 equals 2 than the while loop underneath if(options == 2); to be carried out. Same goes for if D0 equals 3 and the if(options == 3);

But I can't get anything but the bottom one to work, if D0 equals 2 than it still does the while loop underneath if(options == 3);

I know I'm most likely just forgetting or misplacing some brackets or something so if anybody could help me out on this that'd be awesome. Oh and yes Gleeok I'm trying to make a sorta menu script for shops and stuff like your main menu in Gika...gah your arcade game.

I'm still in the newbie sorta era of scripting so if you see anything that could easily be done better please tell me. I'm trying to get an FFC to move down 16 pixels every time you press down but stop at a certain place depending on your information in D0. (The number of options this specific menu will have)