I'm going to try to host a contest! We It is going to be a lot like Pure ZC's two week quest contest, with a few changes. The two biggest changes are
A.That it is twice as long (four weeks to make a quest instead of two) and
B. Not only is this quest vs. quest, it's AGN vs. PZC! This thread is being posted on AGN and Pure ZC. That way, you'll be going against people from both sites. There will be an award for best quest and for best quest-making site (the site with the most votes overall).

Here are the rules:

General Rules:
You may use any ZC version.
You cannot start until August 1st.
And lastly, you Absolutely Can Not use the new DoR set, PTUX, or Akkabus's Pure set. Just to make things more interesting.

Overworld Rules:
It must have a semi-explorable overworld.
The overworld may not be a dungeon junction. This basically means you can't make one big dungeon with a central connection station.
The overworld must be at least 4x4.

Dungeon Rules:
There must be at least four dungeons.
Each dungeon must be at least 8 screens.
You can use big, belated overworlds instead of dungeons.
You can make them as big as you want, and you can include as many as you want.

Submission Rules:
You must PM your submission to me.
The submission must have a link to the quest, some story info, and general information, preferably with screenshots, just like an Expo entry.
Submissions are due by September 1st, at 11:59 PM Pacific Daylight Time.

Anybody who is going to enter, please tell me so I can add you to the list.

Current list:

ZTC (NekoArc at Pure ZC)
Tobias Daboi
mighty darknut

Pure ZC:
Fire Wizzrobe
Lord Ike
Darth Pikachu

Sign up now!