Apparently so... The only sure-fire method I've known of is through e-mail. for some reason, my internet will not allow me to download anything, but it let's me download attachments from e-mails.
No prob. Sent you a copy.

Quote Originally Posted by C-Dawg View Post
Gleeok - How are you dealing with enemy spawns in Gika? Are you doing something like Zodiac, where all the FFCs are running a script that takes over enemy behavior when activated? I'm still getting some slowdown in Zodiac using that method in some areas.
Yeah, that's pretty much it. To be more specific, I'm using the built in ffc arrays for data reading, that is, ffc->Data; ffc/npc/weapon->CSet; ffc->[D]; weapon->Tile; etc.. Broken down as lists (sorta, but with basic else logic).
->CSet is used for weapon interaction and damage (even using 8-bit tiles)
->Data controls enemy behavior and so on.
Basicaly something like this:

        dir2{} //etc
  } //etc
Then I have ffc#7 run the level generator script or the script that tries to kill you, which, funny bit of trivia here since I am not without a sense of irony, is the same ffc that is used as your shield. hehe....

Also; Since there is lots of repeated code, such as enemy death sequence, bullet firing, etc, these have been removed and organized as functions also to save space.

Really though, the proper way to do this is using Classes!

I ran straight into a brick wall with this one when I tried to convert them using arrays. Namely random bugs with arrays, so I wouldn't try using them for functions just yet, so I devised a workaround.

What I plan on doing is something like so:

int Class_Enemy1_Update(ffc this, int dir, int int1, int int2){

      // code

      int2 = Enemy1_GetBullet(int2);

      return int2;

This should allow me to have hundreds of seperate enemy types in one script, plus let any other script have access to these as well! Still in the pre-implementation phase though, still not much time to work on it. I've been meaning to get more unpassworded versions out too, my bad. Pretty soon though.