1. Yes, but I try to increase my chain, especially when the entire group of enemies are only one color.

2. I just attack when tempted, so I don't get pummeled by a variety of death-bullets.

3. Nah, I just fire a stream of shots, usually using L + A, (or whatever it was,) to bring out my mini ships in rotation mode, if I have energy.

4. The first boss isn't a problem for me, even if it is on hard. I just focus on dodging the bullets that aren't my color, (start at blue for the win!)

5. On hard the second boss I died a few times, until I discovered the aiding turrets could be destroyed.

6. If it's not hard, I usually have a little over half, if it's on hard, I'm on my last bar of health.

7. This game would be better if any of the combinations besides backward shot and mini-ships could work.