Remote attack!
Shoot it out and Link freezes, then control the weapon with the direction keys.
Quite nice, even if I do say so myself.

It's called ice because it's meant to be FFA's Ice spell.
Fraid I haven't written a freezing enemy bit yet though, maybe I'll be able to when I see how C-'s works.

bool iceattack;

item script ice{
	void run(){
		iceattack = true;

global script slot_2{
	void run(){
	int icetile = 0; //Set the tile for your weapon here. Up, Down, Left, Right it should be on the tilepage.
	int icecset = 0; //Set the CSet here
	int icespeed = 2;//Set the speed here
	int icedmg = 2;  //Set the damage here
	int icedir;
	int icex; int icey;
			lweapon ice = Screen->CreateLWeapon(31);
				icedir = Link->Dir;
				ice->OriginalTile = icetile+icedir;
				ice->Tile = icetile+icedir;
				ice->NumFrames = 1;
				ice->ASpeed = icespeed;
				ice->CSet = icecset;
				icex = 0; icey = 0;
				if(icedir>1) icex = (((icedir-2)*2)-1)*16;
				if(icedir<2) icey = ((icedir*2)-1)*16;
				ice->X = Link->X+icex;
				ice->Y = Link->Y+icey;
				ice->Step = icespeed;
				ice->Damage = icedmg;
				Link->Action = LA_ATTACKING;
					Link->Action = LA_FROZEN;
					if(Link->InputUp) icedir = 0;
					if(Link->InputDown) icedir = 1;
					if(Link->InputLeft) icedir = 2;
					if(Link->InputRight) icedir = 3;
					ice->Dir = icedir;
					ice->Tile = icetile+icedir;
					ice->OriginalTile = icetile+icedir;
			Link->Action = 0;
			iceattack = false;
Takes 4 inputs, they're noted on the script.
Otherwise pretty self explanitory.