Quote Originally Posted by Beldaran View Post
The problem with global warming is not that it will be 2 degrees warmer in Philly. The problem is that it will be 3-4 degrees warmer in the arctic circle, causing massive glaciers to melt and raise the water levels. Imagine 1/2 of Florida underwater. (pretend this is a bad thing, just for arguments sake.) Southeast Asia underwater. Imagine 50 million people starving to death because of crops that are no longer adapted to shifting climates.
These changes would not happen overnight as seen in schlock like The Day After Tomorrow. Necessity is the mother of invention. I'm sure we'd be able to figure something out in time. Most of Holland is below sea level. They built dikes to keep the water out. Most of New Orleans is below sea level. They built levees to... eh, let's stay away from that one...

Quote Originally Posted by Beldaran View Post
1) C02, Methane, and other such hydro-carbon gases produce a greenhouse effect on the earth. This has been directly observed, verified with both theoretical and experimental calculations. It is not debatable by rational people.
Agreed. Anybody who doubts this should take a look at the planet Venus.

Quote Originally Posted by Beldaran View Post
2) Humans produce a LOT of C02, Methane, and other such hydro-carbon gases. This has been directly observed and calculated. It is not debatable by rational people.
Agreed. My only contention is when people call CO2 a "pollutant." How can something we exhale be considered a "pollutant?"

Quote Originally Posted by Beldaran View Post
1) Humans produce enough greenhouse gases to affect the global climate.
This is probably our only disagreement.

Quote Originally Posted by rock_nog View Post
Like I said, that connection hadn't occurred to me when I came up with that title.
I realize that. You're not the first one to use the term "global warming deniers." Those who have, such as Algore, High Priest of the Church of Anthropogenic Global Warming, undoubtedly wish to make that connection.

Quote Originally Posted by rock_nog View Post
EDIT: Though Beldaran is right, that the number crunching and simulation running we've done so far does lean toward the notion that yes, it's likely.
Just remember, when it comes to climate models, garbage in... garbage out. For some strange reason I doubt the validity of temperature readings from 200 or even 100 years ago. I also doubt the ability of these models to predict the climate 50 years from now accurately when they can't even predict the weather 5 days from now with any accuracy.