I just got back from my pilgrimage to the Shadowmoor prerelease. I did OK, finishing with a 10-5 match record in four "flights" (mini 32-man tournaments) over two days. I usually do a little better. Oh well. Such is life...

Quote Originally Posted by Amaster42 View Post
On a related note, anyone here know of an aura or something that generates mana whenever the creature is tapped by an external source? I want to go infinite with Drowner of Secrets and one of the untap Merfolk.
The only way I can think of to pull it off would be to use Earthcraft and High Tide with Leech Bonder and Drowner of Secrets. Just keep in mind Earthcraft is banned in every format except Type 1, so you wouldn't be able to play this deck in any tournament. It'll make a helluva fun casual deck though! (For you that is, not your opponent.)

It works like this:
  1. Play High Tide.
  2. Tap an Island to add two blue mana to your mana pool thanks to High Tide.
  3. Activate Earthcraft by tapping Leech Bonder to untap the Island.
  4. Use one blue to untap Leech Bonder using its ability.
  5. Repeat until you have as much blue mana as cards in your opponent's library.
  6. Activate Drowner of Secrets by tapping Leech Bonder.
  7. Use one blue to untap Leech Bonder using its ability. Lather, rinse, repeat until you deck your opponent. Pray your opponent doesn't play Gaea's Blessing.
  8. Say "Go." GG!
Keep in mind you don't actually have to have a counter to move in order to use Leech Bonder. Target itself and your Drowner if you like.

Shit, if you want, build the deck on Magic Workstation and I'll play one of my casual decks against it. (You'll have to wait until the Shadowmoor patch is released, of course. It shouldn't take long.)