Quote Originally Posted by Kairyu View Post
Tabuu's really not all that bad. Pokey and Rayquaza are way worse, no question. Rayquaza's attacks are all almost instant and he takes forever to kill, while everything Pokey does will hurt and/or kill you.

Tabuu's attacks are mostly easy to dodge if you focus more on not getting hit than you do on sitting in his face spamming stuff. The main exceptions are his throws (both of which just take practice) and the exploding teleport (because it's so random).

The Red Ring of Death can be dodged by using three spot dodges in a row. You need to get the timing down for it, but it's not really that hard.

My suggestion for boss battles: Use Charizard and spam Rock Smash, or use Fox and spam Fair/lasers while reflecting all projectiles possible- Meta Ridley can nearly kill himself with a single attack if you reflect enough of his shots.
Really? I actually find them pretty easy, at least on SSE Intense (I haven't tried Boss Battles Intense, though I have no problem with them on Boss Battles Hard). The only attack of Rayquaza that is hard to dodge is when he flys up in the air in a circle and does that lightning thing. The rest are not bad (when he flys across the screen horizontally it can be a bit tricky if you don't time it right though). Sometimes his tail swipe hits me but that doesn't do very much damage at all.

Porky is not hard at all except for when he does his fast side attacks. Everything else is pretty dodgable, though the laser beam can be hard to dodge sometimes (but it doesn't do a ton of damage so it usually doesn't matter).

Honestly I have more trouble with Galleom, mostly because his ground pounding thing is hard to avoid (though it mostly just roots you, only does about 20% dmg) and occassionally he'll decide to face-plant on top of you which is pretty much an insta-kill if you can't avoid it. I usually just use a Heart Container before I fight him though and that's enough to get me through the fight without being launched. Duon is not too bad, except when he gets a cheap shot off. And both Ridleys and both Hands (Master and Crazy) are rediculously, extremely easy.

Honestly, I think even Tabuu would be fine except for the red ring of death attack and his little magical yellow cage. The cage is hard to avoid, but it's pretty much an instant death if you can't. The RRoD I have managed to dodge two of the rings but I always get hit by the third. Maybe I just need more practice. I wish you could practice against specific bosses instead of having to beat all of them to fight him (and I could do SSE but he's much harder there since you get 6 lives so it's not quite the same)