I had one of my hospital clinicals today from 4pm-10pm. I was walking with my preceptor to the cath lab to see if anyone was coming in when they paged the doctor and pharmacy to the trauma room.

It was a 42 year old man that was unresponsive when his friend found him. When the paramedics brought him in he was cardiac arrest with no pulse. The tech that was in the room was gonna trade off on compressions with me during CPR. He rolled into the room and she did three compressions and had me get up and do them. I was almost done with my first set when the doctor everyone to hold CPR. His pulse was coming back...weak but there.

I honest to God didn't think I did that much by just doing compressions but the doctor, nurses and my preceptor all told me that because of the tech doing the three compressions and then me doing a set I brought his pulse back and saved his life. They stabilized him and moved him to the ER then to the MICU later that night. I can't say why he was brought in or what's happening but he's in bad shape and probably won't make it.

Tonight was not expected....