As mentioned in another thread, I have an illegal mexican to 'thank' for kidnapping one of my cousins... but to rewind to the backstory a bit

From what I've heard from my parents and Grandma; about 3 months ago, some mexican guy in his mid-twenties started hanging around with my 16-year old cousin. She didn't want anything to do with him, but he kept going at it and started stalking her. He was later arrested but released due to a mixup from the dipshit Hilton Head police department. So he decides to take her when she wasn't paying attention. That was two months ago. They were able to track em for month after that, but since then; nothing. At all. They should have deported him back to mexico when they had the chance; but now... So much for the semi-weekly phone calls, so much for chatting with her, so much to see how she's doing, so much... *goes to cry*