Court rejects Challenge to Opening US Roads to Mexican trucks under a Bush administration pilot program.,2933,295520,00.html

Quote: The Bush administration can go ahead with a pilot program to allow as many as 100 Mexican trucking companies to freely haul their cargo anywhere within the U.S. for the next year, a federal appeals court ruled Friday.

The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals denied a request made by the Teamsters union, the Sierra Club and the nonprofit Public Citizen to halt the program.

The appeals court ruled the groups have not satisfied the legal requirements to immediately stop what the government is calling a "demonstration project," but can continue to argue their case.

The trucking program is scheduled to begin Thursday.


Our borders aren't secure enough as it is and now they are gonna be even more open to people coming in. It not only allows more ways to bring immigrants in but also more ways for terrorists to slip thru.

Are those in charge REALLY this blind?