Quote Originally Posted by Glenn the Great View Post
I noticed that no one has addressed the fact that this person wasn't actually going to dunk any kids. The kids didn't exist. The man was TRICKED by the same people who are now going to sentence him.

It's unlikely this crime would have ever occurred, as I find it highly unlikely that one would happen across a mother who would willingly sell her children to be drowned. Only an undercover agent dealing with imaginary children would do such a thing.

Nowadays, it's like INTENT is just as bad as the actual ACTION. It reminds me of Minority Report, where you don't have to do anything to be prosecuted, you just have to be "going to do something".

This man wasn't going to drown any kids. Don't any of you dare tell me that he was. There were no kids to drown, so he wasn't going to. This was a fantasy situation, and shouldn't be carried over to real life.

Undercover agents should be ashamed. They just troll chatrooms trying to trick people so they can jail them. It's so malicious.
It's nothing like Minority Report. In that movies pre-cogs were able to see a murder before it happened. That was the only thing they could see too.

You did, however, get one thing right. It was a fantasy situation, right up until he attempted to solicit the sale of underage children for sex. That right there is his crime. If he would have keep it to himself, nothing would have happened to him. Instead this guy friggin flew to Florida in order to purchase these two girls. He set up a transaction with someone he thought was a mother to the effect that he'd pay her $550 to let him dunk her two girls. He wasn't tricked by law enforcement, he was caught.