Quote Originally Posted by MottZilla View Post
I'm on my 2nd system and it's going strong. Just make sure the hot air from the back of the 360 go away from the unit. A simple desk fan can work wonders. Personally I believe is shitty soldering from uncalibrated machines.
It kinda bothers me when you say your second system. Really, if you pay $400 for a console, you should only have one. I have a used PS2 that hasn't had problems for the 3 years I've had it. My SNES and N64 are in good condition as well.

Now, I figured it'd be a bad idea to shove the 360 in an entertainment stand. Would it be okay if I set it on top of my stand (this is where my friend has hers set up) or if I made a wooden footstool-type thing and put it, along with the power brick, on that?

Also, I heard about getting an add-on called the Nyko Intercooler EX. It supposedly reduces the internal temperature by a good 20 degrees, but I also heard it can damage the system as well. What's your response on this?

Consoles really shouldn't be this troublesome. :p