Quote Originally Posted by Jennifer View Post
I am indeed now in Seattle (Bremerton actually), settling in, and pretty much everything is good right now. I'm getting comfortable with everything and really starting to get used to it, and I have to say I feel much, much better than I have in... at the very least, a looooooong time.

At first things were very intimidating being physically around Sarria, but that went away surprisingly quickly. Unlike I was expecting, our personal relationship never felt like there was a reset button pressed except for my generally being shy and awkward XD There have been no nasty surprises, no secrets that I know of at this point, and if there are they probably aren't too bad.

Which is to say, yes, we are very much in love and very happy now. ^.^

Living space wise... holy crap this apartment is nice! A living room, a kitchen which isn't even terribly small, a hallway with a small storage room, bathroom, and two bedrooms, and all but the bathroom and kitchen are covered in really nice, good carpet. Everything works that I've tried so far, the shower is bigger than my parent's crappy one (and no f'ing window like theirs had. Who the fuck said "lololol letz put teh window in teh shower loooool"? It was high enough to not show much, but geez!), and just in general this place is awesome.

Seattle/Bremerton itself is very cool. I've done almost no shopping yet, but I like what I've seen so far and I've yet to see the real cool stuff from what I understand. There's also trees everywhere, which is awesome, and the weather has been nice and cool (it was in the 50s when we got in. This is JUNE! 50s! In Texas there's like 4 months where you have any possibility of temperatures that low, and June is not even sort of one of them). It's been cloudy a bit- which I like- but even when it's sunny, it's a nice sunny, not a blinding super skin cancer ultra high UV type sunlight that always made me confused about why people say sunlight is nice. I'm beginning to understand XD

I've got to say this is the right direction to have jet lag in, too. It's always earlier than I expected, so I have more time than I thought I did XD

I got all of my stuff that I really care about (including all my computer data), and am using a computer which will eventually be set up primarily for my use (and makes my old computer look like shit. In fact, stats time!

<•OS/Build: Windows XP Professional, Service Pack 2 (5.1 - 2600)•>
<•CPU Info: 1-AMD , 1776MHz, 512KB•>
<•RAM Usage: 441/1024MB (43.07%)•>
<•Hard Drive Info: C:\ (105.67GB Free, 114.48GB Total), D:\ (8.61GB Free, 149.04GB Total), F:\ (External drive) (38.69GB Free, 74.50GB Total)•>

Yay!) And we just got Comcast Cable internet set up last night. I've yet to take full advantage of it, though.

So yes, everything is very good indeed. Now to start working on things and living and such! <3
DONT go shopping. You need to save all of your money. Your first time on your own and alll, you get all excited, you're like whoa I have 700 dollars. Let's go get this, let's go get that. Then you're borrowing money just so you can get a double quarter pounder with cheese.
Or maybe I'm just retarded.