Quote Originally Posted by Andrewmcd1
had an Idea earlier, but there were no Developers in #Purezc, so I'm PM'ing you it.

would it be possible to have a quest rule that lets you link quests through passwords (like in OoA and OoS), letting you take items earned from quest 1 and taking them to quest 2 as if 2 was a continuation of 1?

Quote Originally Posted by koopa
At the moment it's not possible to transfer items between quests, what is possible is to make two quests in one quest file and have a quest select screen at the start, you could then use scripts to control which items you can take over between quests (or just let players play the second quest only after they've completed the first). I don't think it'll be easy to make items transferrable between different quest files.

As to passwords, you could have a room display a password string in one quest and have a scripted room in the next where you can enter a password and if it matches you get some items - that's already possible, just relies heavily on scripting.

So would anyone be able to make scripts that do any of the things that I or koopa described?