3/21/07, 9:13 AM, Wednesday Morning.

Well, this is it, I suppose. This is that final milestone of the numerically-driven midbies. Today, I finally reach what most would consider to be the ultimate epitome of not having a life. I would happily agree with such a statement, actually. I'm surprised that I don't have that much more to say.

I would like to thank AGN for their long-time existence and seemingly everlasting patience with me and my infinite follies, and the general ZC communities for their interesting ups and downs and seemingly never-ending creativity with all things Zelda Classic and logical argument alike, and all the AGN staff for being so protective of the community that we all love and adore, and the member base for being the supportive group of friendly people that they've always been. I won't be thanking individual people, because such a list would be longer than I have patience to write up. You all know what you mean to me already.

For my ten thousandth post extravaganza presentation, ( ) I will be presenting a brief poem to the fine folks reading this thread.

Time to go for one last spin,
Around the boards, now grown thin,
Let's not forget, for within
our hearts and souls, we are kin.