Is there a formal application process for this, or do people basically just say "I'm in!" and we hope for the best?

I was all for the AGN news team idea a few months back, but of course nobody was interested in actually taking charge or heaven forbid, letting someone who actually wanted to take charge, take charge. But since you're backing it publicly, I'm willing to throw my name into the hat.

Do you have any suggestions as to what sort of columns you'd like to see? After all, simply letting us loose on the entire body of the NES and SNES library is dangerously vague. Such a lack of direction is a sure alibi for apathy and procrastination.

Not only that, but isn't it difficult to review games for old systems without the use and endorsement of roms? It doesn't bother me personally, but it's always seemed to me that AGN has had something of an anti-rom policy. If you're okay with it, and the only uncrossable line is actually linking to files, disregard this paragraph.

I have some doubts, I'll admit, though they're mostly based on the failed attempts of the past. As I said before, if you're backing it this time, I'm willing to put a little faith into the project. Count me in.