One final question from me! And please, don't ask me why I made a new thread...

Okay, in my Cane of Somaria script, I've declared a variable called "SomariaCheck". Every time you change the settings of the combo two tiles away from you, a 1 is written to this variable. At the beginning of the script, it first checks for the solidity of the combo at the Block's position. If it comes back as 15 (in decimal- That'd be 1111 in binary, which is total solidity), it then checks the value of SomariaCheck. If it's a 1, it modifies the block to remove it and it then sets SomariaCheck to 0. The problem is, since I need to use that at the start of my script so it doesn't destroy a block right after I create one, I needed to declare that variable at runtime. Unfortunately, it seems to ignore that value. When I declare a variable in void run(), does it automatically set it to 0? If so, what can I do to avoid this? Telling me to not use another variable isn't going to work- I declare 4 variables at runtime- SomariaBlockX, SomariaBlockY, SomariaBlockPosition, and SomariaCheck. The first two are because I don't need to write anything to them at first. The second two are there because I use them both in the code for checking for a block. So, what's going on? Do those variables simply become 0 whenever the code ends? Would writing to d0-7 be better?