I'll check this out when I get home, but just coded up a gun script.

// ===================================
// gun - This FFC will act as a gun.  The user
// specifies which direction the gun will fire.  When
// the player is lined up with the proper direction,
// the gun will briefly switch to the next combo.  
// It will move the projectile FFC to its location, and 
// send it outwards in the proper direction.  Projectiles will
// be blocked by solid combos on layer 0.
// D0 = delay between shots.
// D1 = FFC number of the projectile combo
// D2 = speed of the projectile
// D3 = 1 if the gun can shoot north
// D4 = 1 if the gun can shoot south
// D5 = 1 if the gun can shoot east
// D6 = 1 if the gun can shoot west
// D7 = 1 if the gun is omnidirectional (meaning it will
// fire at angles, regardless of where the player is.)
// NOTE - If you make the projectile move too fast, it may zip off
// of the screen before the script can save it.  Keep the speed under
// 16 to prevent this.
// ==========================================

ffc script gun{

	void run(int shot_delay, int projectile_ffc_number, int projectile_speed, int shoots_north,
		int shoots_south, int shoots_east, int shoots_west, int omnidirectional){

		int gun_state = 0;	// 0 = primed and waiting for the player to come in range.
					// 1 = firing 
					// 2 = waiting 

		int firing_delay = 20;	// Hard-coded delay while gun animation plays. Counter for state 1.
		int delay_counter = shot_delay;	// Counter for state 2.

                         int side_A; int side_B; int side_C;       // Used to calculate the angle in an omnidirectional gun.

		projectile = ffc Screen->LoadFFC(projectile_ffc_number);

		while (true){

			if (gun_state == 0){

				if ( (shoots_north == 1) && (Link->X < this->X+16) && (Link->X > this->X-1) && (Link->Y < this->Y)){
					projectile->X = this->X;
					projectile->Y = this->Y;
					projectile->Vy = -projectile_speed;
					projectile->Vx = 0;
					gun_state = 1;	

				if ( (shoots_south == 1) && (Link->X < this->X+16) && (Link->X > this->X-1) && (Link->Y > this->Y)){
					projectile->X = this->X;
					projectile->Y = this->Y;
					projectile->Vy = projectile_speed;
					projectile->Vx = 0;
					gun_state = 1;	

				if ( (shoots_east == 1) && (Link->Y < this->Y+16) && (Link->Y > this->Y-1) && (Link->X > this->X)){
					projectile->X = this->X;
					projectile->Y = this->Y;
					projectile->Vx = projectile_speed;
					projectile->Vy = 0;
					gun_state = 1;	
				if ( (shoots_west == 1) && (Link->Y < this->Y+16) && (Link->Y > this->Y-1) && (Link->X < this->X)){
					projectile->X = this->X;
					projectile->Y = this->Y;
					projectile->Vx = -projectile_speed;
					projectile->Vy = 0;
					gun_state = 1;	

				if(omnidirectional == 1){
					// First, check to see if the player is linked up vertically with the gun.  Need to do this
 					// because, otherwise, the angle checking code will divide by zero OH SHI
					if(Link->X = this->X){
				   		if ( Link->Y > this->Y){
							projectile->X = this->X;
							projectile->Y = this->Y;
							projectile->Vy = projectile_speed;
							projectile->Vx = 0;
							gun_state = 1;	
						if ( Link->Y < this->Y){
							projectile->X = this->X;
							projectile->Y = this->Y;
							projectile->Vy = -projectile_speed;
							projectile->Vx = 0;
							gun_state = 1;	

					// If not, calculate the angle to move the shooter.

						side_A = this->Y - Link->y; // length of side of right triangle parallel to X axis
						side_B = this->X; // length of side of right triangle perpendicular to X axis
						side_C = Sqrt( (side_A*sideA) + (sideB*sideB) ); // length of hypotenuse

						projectile->X = this->X;
						projectile->Y = this->Y;

						projectile->Vy = speed * (side_A / side_C); // Sin of the angle is opp/hyp
						projectile->Vx = speed * (side_B / side_C); // Cos of the angle is adj/hyp

						gun_state = 1;	
			} // end of state 0
			if ( gun_state == 1){

				if(firing_delay >= 0){
					firing_delay = 20;
					gun_state = 2;

			} // end of state 1

			if ( gun_state == 2){

				if(delay_counter >= 0){
					delay_counter = shot_delay;
					gun_state = 0;
			} // end of state 2

			if ( projectile is off the screen) {

				projectile->Vx = 0;	
				projectile->Vy = 0;
				projectile->X = 0;
				projectile->Y = -16;
		} // end of while loop

	} // end of void run

} // end of ffc script