Meh, I'm so excited to have played the display in EBGames lol. I went shopping yesterday in the mall, and I had planned to stop in EBGames and play the Wii display and when I got in there, Zelda was on and it was vacant! So we asked where the controllers were and they said they had to hold a credit card while I played because the controller was wireless. Is that so people just don't run out with them? Anyway, my mom gave them hers (I don't have one) and they handed me the controllers, and I fastened them and it was awesome! :) I figured out the sword pretty quick but I couldn't quite get the bow situated and I died. How are you supposed to do the bow? I pulled it over my shoulder but I couldn't aim... Anyway as I was playing people started lining up behind me so when I died I decided to stop and give someone else a turn then and left.

Today I went shopping again (in the other direction lol) and played the display at Gamestop which had Excite Truck. I'm not much into racing and I couldn't control that thing to save my life, lol. But they only gave me half the controller. The joystick part for Zelda wasn't connected, is that an addon or something? Does it come in the package? Does it come with Zelda?

I'll probably get a Wii after they get all the bugs worked out (including the strap issue - I was calm, I dunno how they let go of them and make them fly...)

What were your first Wii Experiances like?