My local Gamestop has a Wii station set up. The game they had was ExciteTruck. The game itelf was fun, although I felt that the turning was too tight. No option to adjust the sensitivity like some other games have reported. After a few minutes I was able to adjust, and even won all the races on the "bronze" difficulty. Still, I'd hold off on this game until it gets moved to the bargain bin, or at least get it used.

I played around in the system menu for a while to get used to the pointer (Excitetruck uses a "hold the controller sideways and tilt" system). It was at first impossible to control, but after I got to the settings menu and adjusted it, it felt smooth. Pointed around for a bit, all was very comfortable. The remote itself sat very nicely in my hand. Obviously, I didn't get a chance to use the nunchuck, so no idea how that set-up feels. Overall, though, I feel very optimistic about the Wii- the pointer feels nice, it's merely an issue of developers including sensitivity options within games.