It is far from silly to think that a business would try to spend money to make even more money. Thats what most businesses attempt everyday. Why do you presume that alot of money is needed to convert a game to online play.? I don't know how much it would cost Tecmo to convert Tecmo Super Bowl to the VC and make it online capable. How much will it cost to only convert it to the VC? How much of difference money wise would that be? 10's of thousands? That kind of money would seem to be very worthy to me when I might sell 500,000 copies of a game at 5 dollars each. People will go nuts, apeshit, over an online TSB on a console, over any of there old NES, SNES, Genesis, N64 classics online capable. When a game is just a ROM ported onto an emulator, its just a collector's piece, a lark. When a game is given online multiplayer and possibly new features it becomes a topic of conversation and a great selling piece.

How many people would not have downloaded Gauntlet or Smash TV (just two examples) for the XBLA if they didn't have online Multiplayer. Most people. I only downloaded/bought those games because they were online. That was my chief reason. We are living in a different age when it comes to multiplayer gaming. Local multiplayer just doesn't cut it anymore. Videogame companies recognize this, they are aware of market trends, they are businesses. Hopefully some of them will push Nintendo to fully realize the VC.