The Zelda Collector's Edition Disk is extremely hard to find nowadays as it was only available through special offers (e.g. registering your GameCube). It was never available commercially in stores, although you can probably find it on eBay.

Even though there is no "Zelda 2 Classic," (at least up and running right now), most of the elements could be made in the current Zelda Classic with the right ZQuest techniques such as towns with people to talk to, side-scrolling levels, overworld maps with little icons representing towns, dungeons and other things. You could use the Raft and Raft paths in dungeons to handle those elevators we saw in the palaces in Zelda 2. Full-fledged jumping has not been implemented yet (i.e. with the Roc's Feather), but you can use the Raft paths to simulate jumping as well as insta-warps, for instance, for Link jumping off cliffs.

So at least, you can put some of that Zelda 2 feel to a ZC quest.