It would probably be helpful to the developers to get some ideas of scripting features that would be useful for us. So I'm starting the list. Add on as you see fit.

  • method: freezeAction()
    Causes Link and the enemies to freeze in place. This would be used when you want to pause to allow some action to happen, without affecting anything else going on in the room. For instance, this could be used to allow a wall to slowly slide into place when a switch is triggered. Check out the upper right cornder of the first dungeon in the dark world of LttP to see a good example of this - when you hit the statue with an arrow, Link and the trap freeze in place while the wall takes some 20-30 seconds to reach it's final destination.
  • method: unFreezeAction()
    The reverse, this starts the action up again.
  • method: Link->Hide()
    Turns Link invisible.
  • method: Link->Show()
    Makes Link visible again.
  • method: Link->Freeze()
    Link stops in place, will not respond to user input.
  • method: Link->UnFreeze()
    Link responds to input again.
  • method: Spawn(type, x, y)
    Spawns an enemy of type type at location (x, y). A very useful action this would be.