Wow, those are some great ideas C-dawg! On the other hand, those ideas are better off for your own kick-ass quest. The triforce one seems pretty neat in and of itself. Another good idea would be a dungeon that's totally submerged, where instead of controling water levels, you have to search oxygen bubbles so you don't drown. It could come with a timer on each screen, and running out would damage you or somthing.

Also, with creative use of misc items and trigger combos, you can create Oracle series Gasha seeds thanks to the events system.

I know one thing is for sure. All my ZC tricks have become totally obsolete.

Edit: A quest based on demo quest would be a pretty good idea. For one thing, emphasis isn't on the graphics, but on the tricks able to be done. You would only need simple graphics for some of the more interesting tricks. A more complicated tileset would mean more time is needed to get things to look right.