Okay, so it's a minor problem, I don't really NEED help with it, but I'd like to know this:
I'm making a dungeon where water will go away from the entrance, letting you go to the right (the first time you hit a switch) and north (the second time). However, there's a locked door to the right, and a Boss Locked Door to the north. This is the problem. To make the water go away, I'm making you warp to a new DMap each time you hit the switches. However, if you leave the dungeon and come back, you'll be in the first DMap. That wouldn't be a problem, except.... If you unlocked the doors, they'll be locked, since you unlocked them on a different DMap. How do I get around this? Should I just move the locked doors? Or is there a trick to making them go away on the original DMaps? (By the way, you'll unlock these doors on these DMaps: Left (shuttered)-First DMap; Right (Locked)-2nd DMap (after hitting switch to the left); Up (Boss Locked)-3rd DMap (after hitting switch to the north, found by going to the right).)