Some backround infos:
This is a tie-in to my fantasy/sci-fi story that I'm currently working on (click here to see it). It takes place roughly 2 years from the opening of the story...

Rules: you're limited to using up to 5 characters (can be from just about anything, needs a discription along with some abilities), try to keep to the storyline, and no "instant kills" please (a few more might be added along the way)

Characters -
Dynamix - He's one of the few to have explored the dimentions; as a result of many battles, he's lost many a limb, so most of his body is cybernetic. He singlehandedly won the Second Dimentional Wars. Some of his abilitles including the general mastery of the elements, the use of swords, a full range of magiks and transending the dimentions

Newtype - He's returned to the present after having being stuck 500 years in the past. He's a Neko-cyberhumanoid (he turned part cat after a battle going ary). During the Third Dimentional Wars, his dimention was completely distroyed, leaving him without a home.
Some of his abilitles includes dual-sword mastery, control of lightning, has a copy of Bass built into him, can cast Magus-type spells, and going into a "Blood Riot" powered rage.

(I will be introducing a few other characters later on if the story progresses...)

Newtype has just used most of his energy to make the final time jump to the present.
Thinking to himself, I'm finally back, but where am I? I don't recognize this dimention. Looks like I used a bit too much energy... He promptly passed out from the exhaustion.

Back at Dynamix's home dimention; he notices that his equiptment has finally detected Newtype. Great, what did he get himself into this time... Interesting, this dimention hasn't been explored yet. It's going to make it quite a bit harder to find him now.
After completing that thought, he warped to that dimention.