Any of you up for a Werewolf Game?

How it works is this:
1. There will be a signup thread. Only those people that sign up get to play. Nobody gets to call a spot before sign ups.
2. There are 2 wolves (the bad guys), one master wolf (if seered, comes up human), 5 humans (they're just there because), 1 guardian (if lucky, protects person from a wolf kill), and 1 seer (gets to scan people to find out if they're a wolf or human). Seers, Guardians, and wolves should try to keep their roles a secret, as they might be lynched/killed.
3. There are day intervals and night intervals. During night intervals, the Guardian/Seer/Wolves send in PMs to the game host. During day phase, the person the wolves chose to be killed will be killed. The humans, seer, guardian, and wolves get to vote on a person whom they think is a wolf to lynch. Obviously the wolves need to throw the humans off so none of them gets suspected as wolves. 1 vote over half the vote or half + a phantom equals an insta-lynch, and you're automatically killed.
4. When the humans kill all the wolves, the humans win. when the wolves kill all the humans, the wolves win.
5. If you forget to vote, you get what is called a phantom vote. Which means, If there's 8 people and you have a phantom vote, then 4 people vote for you, you get 4.001 votes. (1 phantom = .001 vote) That equals an insta-lynch. Every phantom after your first phantom counts as a whole vote (1). That means 2 phantoms = 1.001, 4 phantoms = 3.001, and so on.

Also, you can't show ANYONE your PM. If you do and I find out, you get thrown out of the game. No editing posts. If you die, you get one death post and that's it.

I'll open a signup thread if enough people like this idea.