I wonder about this a whole lot... I watch the Fresh Prince and Will always says Carlton acts white because he's rich, educated and speaks properly. Now I don't understand this. They always say they want to get out of the ghetto and the "white man" won't let them, but when one of them makes it out, they call him a sellout? That doesn't make any sense.

Also, I'm sure a lot of people may feel more accepting of them if they didn't embrace gangsterism. They act like that's what black means, and then they cry rascist when they don't get a job? Who is gonna hire a lazy gangster, no matter what color they are?? At that point it's got nothing to do with race...

I know someone's gonna say "Well not all are like that." I know that, BUT it's the media image of them, and real people actually follow it. Not just real ghetto people either, but also middle class people. And the people who aren't like that go on and get great jobs.

Now it looks like they went from "Darkskinned" to "Criminal" and I bet if it wasn't for that image we could get along much better. It's not about race, it's about additude. The black people are the ones keeping the wall up and I don't understand why.

White kids nowadays try to act "black" - which means gangster. They act as if the words are enterchangeable. I thought the blacks were trying to be accepted, yet they picked the very worst image possible... I'm not saying it's right, but maybe a little fear is justified?

I love watching Bill Cosby's shows because his characters are nice decent people. He said along the lines of what I'm saying now, and they told him he wasn't black enough to tell them anything. There was something seriously wrong there...
