Characters taking part > Who introduced them

Jeral Drason, Princess Avencis, Reginald Geris, Inara Terasic - Darth Marsden (Quest Founder)
Kelli - VT_Hokie_Fan

Is is really worth me starting a proper, SERIOUS community story, or will people just start being silly? I want to try for a good adventure that stays interesting, but I'm afraid people will start messing around and it's not going to work.

To try and determine if it's really worth it, I'll ask people to create a character they'd use if I did start a story proper. I'll give my main one here, and we'll see how it goes. If I get a few good responses, I'll start the story in a new thread.

Please take this seriously - I tried one on a different forum, but it got silly and I ended up shutting it down. I hope it won't happen here, since you've got plenty of other threads to mess around in. Fingers crossed.

Name: Jeral Drason
Age: 24
Sex: Male
Alignment: Neutral Good
Occupation: Royal Guard and Official Instuctor to her Royal Highness, the Princess Avencis
Family: None - both parents perished when young. Raised by the Royal Guards, to which his father had belonged
History: Jeral has been in the Royal Guard since he was sixteen, and has earned his rank as Official Instructor due to his close friendship to the Princess while growing up in the Guard. He is currently training her in the art of self-defense, due to the rise of violent conflicts throughout the western world. He is a charmng man who is well aware of his limits, and is rarely seen without a cheerful look on his face. He is skilled in the use of many weapons, but in combat he is often seen to prefer attacking with a pair of short swords, which he uses with deadly effectiveness. A strong young man who, given time, will make a fine Captain of the Royal Guard.