Well, I've seen it twice now and I loved it both times. The second time I saw it, I picked up on little things I missed the first time I saw it. I think it's truely the best Star Wars Episode made because it finally answers (to me anyway) HOW and WHY Anakin turned to the Dark Side. Firstly, for LOVE and secondly, for POWER/GREED!

I think they could have made Anakin appear more powerful! Afterall, he was apparently conceived BY THE FORCE and had the highest "Midichlorian" count EVER SEEN (even more than Master Yoda). Based on that, he should have been able to kick Obi-One's butt, even though Obi-One was more experienced. Hadn't he saved Obi-One's butt 9-10 times or so???

Anyway, movies will always be subjective. I loved it! Well done George Lucas!

The part where the emperor owns Sam Jackson was BAD ASS.