This is more of a question as to whether it's possible or not, than an actual suggestion. But if it is possible, it would make things a lot easier on quest designers if it were implemented.

Suppose you have a screen, say, in the middle of the lost woods. There's a sign in the middle, which the tile in front of it is a pit warp, warping you to a more or less identical screen, with the string available on a background that gives you directions for the maze. Thus said, suppose there are bushes on this screen that you can slash. Suppose you slash them, then go up and read the sign. You notice that as soon as you start to read, the bushes INSTANTANEOUSLY regenerate. There is no real way to fix this graphical anomaly, other than having all bushes regenerate via an animation, and very quickly at that.

So, naturally, I was thinking, "what if we had the status of all of the combos, undercombos that were "activated," and secrets triggered" added as well?" Now, I'm not entirely "up" with the concept of a full screen warp, having no complete list of what changes and what does not. But the point is, a shrug slashed before warping will return as a regenerated bush combo when you insta-warp, even with Full Screen Warp on.

Is there a way to make at least the undercombos put into memory for the warp? Thanks for reading.