No spoilers please, I just reached ToS's second disk. Final Fantasy has been the best-known, hyped up RPG series, but truthfully I have never been able to finish a game. I've played 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 10, and all of them are rather bland. The characters don't hold my interest very long, and the battle systems are just, ick! I believe the most popular RPG title needs to go to the Tales of...series.

I played Tales of Phantasia and it was wonderful! New, fresh charecters and a totally new battle system. Right when I thought the game was over, it continued. And then came Tales of Symphonia, a true masterpiece. The best video game I've ever played. The story is similar to FFX exept Colette is so so so much more exciting than Yuna! I have been waiting for a game with the exact story that ToS has forever! And it has the biggest twists! I got ToS without knowing a single thing about it, exept that it was probably related to ToP, so those twists were completly a shock! I thought the days of quality games were gone, but I was soooo wrong!

What do y'all think?