1. When picking a "Next" combo for a combo, it should show the tile, walkabililty, and combo type at the bottom.

2. When you have a combo selected and your editing the screen, there should be another panel (that you scroll to by pressing the Pg Up or Down buttons) that shows the A. Frames, A. Speed, and the Tile, Walkability, & combo type of the "Next" combo

3. A quest rule or screen flags that make combos that cycle, cycle to the same cset as the combo when placed, not the one you set it to--for example, if i set one combo that can be placed with a blue or gold cset to cycle to another combo that can also have the same csets, but when choosing it as the "next" combo, i choose to cycle it with the gold cset. Well, if i place the first combo with the blue cset, the combo will always cycle to the gold cset, which i dont want. I would like a way of making it so certain combos cycle to the
"next" combo using the same cset!

EDIT: Also, the bug should be fixed where you can't cycle to certain csets at all!!!

4. When pressing "F" once, it shows all flags. When pressing "F" twice, it should change the flags to the actual secret combos of these flags, provided they require one, thus you can see what a screen looks like after secrets have been triggered. Press "F" a third time, and all secret combos and flags revert back to the original screen. So for example, if you place flag 16 on the screen, then press F so you see the secret combos, you will get those brown or green squares wherever 16 was placed before having set the secret combos.

5. "Detect Mistakes" Option: This option will somehow detect errors made in a quest--the only one i can think of right now that it would work for is unercombos. When turned on, for everytime you go to a screen & put on it for the first time, an undercombo that has not yet been changed, a new dialogue box will pop saying "Undercombo" not detected and then the following buttons can be clicked: "Set Undercombo", which makes the combo set automatically (as if going to "Data->undercombo" or "Cancel" or "Ignore" or something.

Other "Mistakes"
-Setting a "Special Item" Room without actually setting any special item to it--perhaps an option so that when you choose "special item" room, a prompt appears saying "Please Select Special Item" and you click ok, which brings up the item menu, or you click cancel to disregard it and do something else
-Placing secret flags without actually setting secrets--perhaps when you go to a screen that has a flag where no secret combo has been assigned to it yet, then an error mesage appears prompting you to fix this.

Other than these 3, i can't think of anything else that zquest could detect as an error, rather than something that was done intentionally.

EDIT: Misalignment: This is a big error when first making a quest but its also the first error to have its own option to help correct! :)