IMHO from reading the whole thing, they already have...:p

Taken from
...While the existence of James Bond 007: GoldenEye 2 was something of an open secret in the industry, EA's announcement surprised many. In a twist that's sure to thrill anyone who has ever rooted for the bad guy at the movies, GoldenEye 2 will let "players become the ultimate villain in the Bond universe," according to EA President and COO John Riccitiello.

GoldenEye 2's story will follow a British secret agent who is dismissed from MI6's '00' (double-O) program for "reckless brutality." Like the fallen spy played by Sean Bean in GoldenEye the film, players will soon enter the criminal underworld. Eventually, they'll link up with Auric Goldfinger, considered by many to be the best Bond villain ever from the film that bears his name, Goldfinger. The game's goal will be to seize control of the "world's greatest criminal organization," which is presumably the S.P.E.C.T.R.E. crime syndicate. GameSpot will have more details on the game as they become available.

I hope I have an option to be Bond. I hate being a villain, they always lose.:p