I went out tonight to get groceries.
I stopped at the auto car wash to wash my car and as I was driving out a black guy come out and wanted me to roll the window down, so I did.

He started talking about these strippers that broke down from zanesville, and their alternator belt was broke, he tried panty hose, blah blah. He wanted me to take them to get a belt, and said Meijer would have one. I asked if he was sure, because I didn't think they did.

Hesitant, I did it anyway, figured it'd be a good deed.

They asked if I wanted to smoke weed with them and If I wanted gas money, to which my response was no to both. I drove the 2 strippers to Meijer, no belt.
Went over to Super Wal-Mart, no belt, just as I figured.
One of the strippers bought some bungie ties, and the other bought a cowboy hat. we drove back to their car.

He got one of the bungies on the pulleys and we jumped it, but the bungie broke. Put 2 of them on there and the same thing.
He said he tried to nigger rig it but it wouldn't work. I've never heard a black person say nigger rig before, I suppose there is a first time for everything afterall.

I agreed to follow them to some gas station they were already at, and their car broke down on the way. So they walked the rest of the way (wasn't far).
He asked if I would drive him home.

On the way to taking him home, he said some hood rat he used to know hollered at him so he was over there. He asked me if why I didn't ask the strippers to do anything and I said because I had a fiance. He said he could respect that because he's been faithful to his son's mom for 20-some years. (Which must be why he was at that other chicks house).

Turns out, the girls were his son's friends. He was a pretty cool guy, and it made for an interesting night.

Sounds like a cheap porno movie though.

-Guy pulls out of a car wash, and is asked to help 2 strippers out who broke down.