I know you were all just dying to see what my new apartment looks like, so I took a few pics after picking up my keys yesterday.
For those of you that aren't "in the know", I'm moving into my first apartment because the commute from home to the campus was just too long.
I found this apartment complex right near the campus (.6 miles away to be exact) that was relatively cheap ($525/month) and lower on the "pothead" and "party" populations than other apartments in the area.

The front door with a lovely view of the retirement home across the street (not shown here).

Living room & dining area.

Kitchen, pre-cleaning. I love how renovators keep things tidy.
Note the fags in the frappuccino glass.

The spiral stairs. This is what sold me on the apartment.
The carpeters still have to come back and tack the stairs carpeting.

My bedroom with overlook to the living room.

What I have to go through each time I want to leave the college area.
EDIT: As a bonus, try and guess the make and model of vehicle I own form this pic.

All in all, not as bad as some apartments I've visited and it's just shy of walking distance to classes.